What Is Savouring — and Why Is It the Key to Happiness?
Savouring is the act of stepping outside of an experience to review and appreciate it. Often we fail to stay in the moment and really enjoy what we’re experiencing. Savouring intensifies and lengthens the positive emotions that come with doing something you love.
Why should we take time to savour?
It turns out savouring can boost our mood in three ways.
First, Savouring can help us remember the good stuff in life.
Second, Savouring can help stop mind wandering. It keeps us in the moment. It helps us stay present. Usually unhappiness is either a worry about the past or fear about the future! If we can Savour the moment and stay present, we can easily be happy in the moment!
Finally, savouring can help us increase gratitude. It can make us thankful for the experiences we’re having as we’re having them. As you all know, Gratitude is the #1 shortcut to happiness.
How do we make the most of the savouring activity?
Well, first off, you just have to take part in a positive experience, and then you have to savour during that experience. Take a minute to realise why it makes you happy. You can use your phone to help you by taking a picture which will help you remember it later. Everyday try and track what you savoured today. Tracking can help turn savouring in one moment into a habit. So get out there and savour something good. Go out and really enjoy the best things in life.
Some common techniques that enhance savouring:
Sharing the experience with another person, thinking about how lucky you are to enjoy such an amazing moment, keeping a souvenir or photo of that activity, and making sure you stay in the present moment the entire time. Every night, make a note of what you savoured (Note: you can make a list in a notebook, use a notes app on your phone, use a calendar, or whatever works for you!). When you do write things down at the end of the day, be sure to take a moment to remember the activity.
Pick one experience to truly savor each day. It could be a nice shower, a delicious meal, a great walk outside, or any experience that you really enjoy.
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