Guess what? It’s Kindness!!
Mere thinking about kind acts increase happiness.
Researchers found that happier people are doing more kind things and are more motivated to do them. They found that mere thinking about kind acts increase happiness. There is a lot of evidence suggesting that simple acts of kindness bring us happiness.
OTAKE ET AL did a research where if they look at people who are happy versus people who are not happy – they found that happier people are doing more kind things and are more motivated to do them. They become more happier through kindness. They found that mere thinking about kind acts increase happiness.
Sonja Lyubomirsky did a study where they found that happiness increases when we do random acts of kindness in a single day.
A recent book called Happy Money –
By the two psychologists Liz Dunn and Mike Norton, have done some cool research on this. They give 5 bucks to people and ask them to either spend it on them self or to spend it on someone else. People predict I am totally going to be happier if I spend that on myself, than if I spend that on somebody else, right? They also make a prediction about the money. They say I’m going to be way happier if I spend the 20 bucks than if I spend the 5 bucks. because obviously 20 bucks is 4 times better than the 5 bucks, right? But it turns out that what really happens is different
What really happens is you get a super strong significant effect that the money you spend on other people makes you happier than the money you spend on yourself. The other thing you find is that it doesn’t matter how much money you spend. So the folks that spend $20 on somebody else are just as happy as the folks that spend $5. The amount doesn’t matter.
They also found that it’s the same across cultures and across countries too! You’re still getting the same effect where spending on others makes you happier than spending on yourself. Now, think about one random act of kindness you did in the recent days. It could be a big volunteering effort or as simple as buying a chai for your friend and listening to them.
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