
Being Intentional

It’s good to just pause and think “why are you doing this” while doing anything.

Being intentional helps us to be more empowered.

Recently after I started blogging and posting videos, I have actually been checking the number of views and followers constantly. I was actually becoming desperate about getting a particular number of views.

I was believing that something is wrong with my blogs, videos and reels if I don’t get a particular number of views. I decided to change my belief.

I am posting these journal entries as a way for me to share my learning and my intention is not to get a particular number of views.

My intention is to make the learning stronger for myself.

I have also become more intentional with everything that I am doing after I started blogging

My Learning to Share

It’s good to just pause and think “why I am doing this” while doing anything.

Being intentional helps us to be more empowered.

How intentional are you in doing whatever you are doing?

Do you know why you are reading this post now?

Please do comment below and let me know your thoughts..

I want to build a community of people who love to learn and grow. So, commenting below will help me know that you are reading this and are willing to be part of a larger community!

August 22 2023

Let me know your thoughts..



  1. Archana

    I too wanted to know intention of my doings

    • Vidhya

      Nice! Thanks for the reply Archu! 🤗🥰

  2. Tamil selvan

    1. I’m in the state of putting my own life on the table for the cause I believe.
    2. We are destined to know certain things.


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