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Our Approach:
The Easy Dialogue Way
The Greek Philosopher, Socrates, used probing questions to challenge his students to discover their own answers. We utilise a highly respectful and effective system of questions asked with a nonjudgmental and non-directive attitude. You will be able to uncover and eliminate self-defeating beliefs and attitudes that have fuelled discomfort, distress, and self-limiting behaviours and, in this way, learn to increase your sense of purpose, happiness, and personal power.
The psychologist Viktor Frankl wrote: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
All our emotions, behaviours and feelings stems from our beliefs. We utilise a loving, Socratic questioning approach to know the beliefs which fuel unhappiness and we can question the belief and change it.
We believe you are your best expert and we encourage you to find your own answers! We ask loving non judgmental questions to help you discover yourself and change yourself!
Once we change the belief, our response will change.
Our approach is based on the belief that “You are your own expert” and “You know more about yourself than anyone else”.
And we believe that questions are the answers.
So, we ask specific questions to help you find your wants and to help you move towards your purpose in life.
Focus on challenges you’ve been facing or changes you’ve wanted to make. Experience these life-changing consultation sessions in the intimacy and comfort of your own home or office.