
Srividhya Balasubramanian

Hello, Thank you for visiting this website and spending your valuable time.

I am Srividhya Balasubramanian. I am a Happiness Coach, and I have always had an urge to learn and grow.

My son is blessed with Autism and thats when I started this journey of learning more about myself, and I started exploring myself. I believe every challenge is a learning opportunity. 

I have spent the last 11 years learning so much about myself, my beliefs and I am enjoying my journey towards more happiness day by day.

I love to coach, and I started Easy2BHappy as a small initiative to share my learnings and to spread more smiles and love! 

Our Mission: To create a loving, accepting and non judgemental space for everyone to explore themselves and to grow happier.

To empower people to look deep within themselves for their own answers and to be the most happiest version of themselves.

Our Vision: To build a community of people who want to learn more about themselves and grow happier

Our Approach:

Our approach is based on the belief that “You are your own expert” and “You know more about yourself than anyone else”.

The Greek Philosopher, Socrates, used probing questions to challenge his students to discover their own answers. We utilise a highly respectful and effective system of questions asked with a nonjudgmental and non-directive attitude. You will be able to uncover and eliminate self-defeating beliefs and attitudes that have fuelled discomfort, distress, and self-limiting behaviours and, in this way, learn to increase your sense of purpose, happiness, and personal power.

And we believe that questions are the answers

Easy2B Happy is a community that promotes happiness as a skillset to practice. It was founded by Srividhya Balasubramanian in 2018, who was inspired by her own journey to happiness after overcoming life changing challenges.

Please join hands with us, and we will be happy to help you in anyway possible!

We would be glad to connect with you and help in anyway possible. We will be with you while we travel together in this journey with happiness and towards happiness!