
 Sleep can make us Happy!

The act of getting enough sleep every night can have a host of positive benefits. Sleep can increase your mood over time. It can also increase our cognitive performance. It can decrease risk of heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. Sleep deprivation can also weaken our overall immune system. Some sleep researchers actually advocate taking naps in the middle of the day to get a little bit of a cognitive boost there too.

According to psychiatrist Dan Siegel when darkness falls, our body starts secreting melatonin (a substance that help us to sleep), so that we fall asleep within a few hours. However, according to Siegel, if you’re staring at your screen all evening, your body doesn’t think it’s time to sleep, even if it’s past midnight.

The light that comes off your screen suppresses your natural production of melatonin, a substance that helps us get to sleep. When we finally do try to go to sleep, we don’t have enough melatonin to help us get there.

According to a Consumer Mobility Report survey, 71 percent of people keep their smartphones by them while they sleep

People are also more likely to get addicted to digital media that has an emotional element, like social media; this is especially bad for our sleep.

Heath Cleland Woods, a sleep researcher at the University of Glasgow, found that people sleep less when they’re emotionally invested in social media, and also suffer from higher rates of anxiety.

One of the reasons weʼre so unhappy in our modern lives is that weʼre consistently sleep deprived.

Sleeping more and sleeping about seven or eight hours a night can make you happier. It’s a totally free and super easy way to boost your mood and your health. Try to shoot for around 7 to 8 hours a night. So, if you want to get a good night’s rest, put your computer or phone away by 9 p.m. Try reading a book instead!