
Is Autism Bad?

Autism is not a curse. It’s a blessing. Being autistic doesn’t mean they are less in any way. They are just different. Not less.

Being a special parent means it’s different style of parenting, it’s not less in anyway!

Autism is the best thing that happened in my life. It has given me purpose in my life. I started my journey towards self exploration and self transformation because of my son.

September 3 2023

I have a sixteen year old son with Autism. Recently an old friend of mine texted me and told me that she couldn’t come and meet me because she feels sad for me because of my son. 

She said she couldn’t control her tears and she asked god why he has given such a cruel situation for me. She sees my sons condition as bad.

Initially, when I read her text message I made myself angry. I was angry because I felt she was pitying me. I didn’t want my friends to pity me. Then, I slowed down and started seeing things from her side. She believes Autism is bad. She also said that she wouldn’t have lived a life if she had a disabled son. When I slowed down, I saw that she was actually coming from a very loving space and wanted the best for me. She loves me so much, that she is not able to see me suffer. She thinks that Autism is a curse and thinks that I am suffering.

But Autism is the best thing that happened in my life. It has given me purpose in my life. I started my journey towards self exploration and self transformation because of my son. I became a happiness coach because of my son. My son continues to inspire me and HE IS THE BEST TEACHER. I continue to learn a lot of things about myself from him everyday. So, I am blessed with autism and I am actually thankful about it. Autism is not bad. It’s good!

Do you believe that autism is bad?

Have you felt pity over a special child or a special parent? If so, why?

Let me know your thoughts..



  1. Sharan

    Autism is not an disability..it’s a different ability..
    Someone with autism has thought me love needs no words❤️
    A – Always
    U – Unique
    T – Totally
    I – Intelligent
    S – Sometimes
    M – Mysterious
    Autistic people are au- some

    • Silver Bullet


    • Sharan

      Nice! Thanks for sharing Sharan!

  2. Sharmila

    Totally agree … thanks for writing this
    As a parent of an autistic child, I too feel that he came for a purpose – to help me find my purpose – to discover my potential- to help me live freely and soar high!!!
    He is teaching me more about life and myself than a 100 workshops, books or courses could have

    As for other people, they react that way coz – what is unknown is scary

    Also, in general an easy life is considered a better life but a life with challenges is meaningful – I am not saying everyone should deliberate make their own difficult – but think about it – there is more joy and confidence in overcoming challenges than in an easy life , isn’t it? Those who have overcome challenges are more calmer, grounded, and do not get disturbed by vagaries of life

    • Vidhya

      Exactly! Very true! Thanks for sharing Sharmila! ❤️

  3. M.thangam

    Hat’s off to the parent’s. Acceptance brings changes.

    • Vidhya

      Thank you! 🙏


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